
BAA partners with qualified consultants and firms when additional capacity or expertise is needed and can bring further value to a project. These professionals offer a range of services—from research design to media know-how to budgetary expertise—to address issues facing organizations in today's health and human services environment. Some Associates who have been or are currently part of the teams for BAA projects include:

Larry S. Meyers, PhD, Professor

California State University, Sacramento
Research design and statistical analysis

Elita Burmas, MA

Statistical analysis and database management

Anita Garcia-Fante

Bilingual communications, focus group research

Beth Shipley, MPH

Public health, children's health and safety

Jude Lemons, President

Tangerine Lime Communications (TLC)
Communications, media, public relations

Jack C. Luomanen, DDS

Dental Practice Management/Dental Public
Health Consultant

Dorothy Meehan, MBA, CPA, President

Meehan Consulting Associates
Healthcare management, systems change

Mechele Small Haggard, MBA

Research and evaluation

Dian Scheideman, RDH

Oral health programs

Taline A. Kuyumjian, MA

Kuyumjian Consulting, LLC
Research and evaluation for nonprofits in the cultural sector

Sarah E. Beck, MD

Maternal and child health, research design

Jared Funakoshi, BS

Biological sciences, research assistant

Patricia Calabrese, MA

Early literacy/reading specialist, teacher trainer